Broad-spectrum sunscreens. UVA and UVB protection. Why are these so important to sunscreen?
By including Zinc Oxide in our sunscreen products, our natural formula offers the best range of broad spectrum protection of any UV filter, other than good clothing (which is why we also recommend for you to wear comfortable, protective clothes and a hat in the high sun hours).
It’s important because while it’s the UVB (think UVBurn) that gives the burning part of too much sun, but it’s the UVA that can cause the most damage to skin. If you wear a sunscreen that only protects from the burn, but not the damage, you can actually have a bigger problem than if you’d worn no sunscreen at all. That’s not good! All sunscreens manufactured in Australia and NZ must now meet the AS/NZS sunscreen standard, which includes good broad spectrum UVA protection. All sunscreens manufactured in Australia and NZ must now meet the AS/NZS sunscreen standard, which includes good broad spectrum UVA protection. However, other overseas countries for example the US mandate a lower UVA requirement than in Australia and New Zealand.
Sun Balm sunscreen meets the ASNZ 2604:2012, which includes broad-spectrum coverage. Goodbye has been tested for critical wavelength, which is the UVA or part of the broad spectrum coverage in a sunscreen. ASNZ 2604: 201 has the highest requirement for Broad Spectrum coverage in the world. It not only requires that the skin is protected at a certain spectrum of UVA, but that it is balanced to the coverage of the UVB. Sun Balm passes this critical wavelength and protection factor test.