We Belong Outdoors

Hundred Ways to Feel Old (a Thousand Ways to Feel Young)
Last week in our send out I mentioned that I'd been on the Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk with my daughter, and that I'd been given a lot to share. I'm writing to a wide range of relationships, fro...
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In our business, you know me and see my face regularly. John prefers to be behind the scenes. He does all of our product compliance work and looks after about 300 wholesale customers. Most of them...
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It's a big change, and one that took some time. When we got B Corp certified in mid 2023, we started with looking at how to put the B logo onto our packaging. It's just a small logo, but it led to ...
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We're headed to Auckland to do an in-person brand reveal at the Go Green Expo- 18 months in the making- a fresh new look and new packaging! I'm speaking at the Expo at 2:30pm for 30 minutes on SATU...
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Travel, Sister, Travel, Painting, Travel, Family, Travel (uh oh more travel), home, emails, Olympics The title is a sweet summary of my last eight weeks! The only thing really missing is all of the...
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I love telling stories when they're all wrapped up tidy and bite-sized. But this time, I'm going to let you know about the feeling before the story is packed up all nice and tidy. Because it's univ...
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Twenty Five Wheelie Bins with Nowhere to Go
Over the years we've been keeping track of how many plastic twist up tubes you've diverted by using the small aluminium tins for your lip balm. Every aluminium tin that you use diverts between 2.86...
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You ARE nature, made and sparkling of it. It’s easy to forget that in a frame of duties, deliverables and devices. And when it is forgotten, or set too deeply aside, we are not thriving. There’s ...
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With 24 years of working in natural outdoor skincare, Goodbye is excited to announce that it is now a certified B Corp. B stands for Benefit for all. As a B Corp, Goodbye is part of a global commun...
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