Baby Goat-ified (my new word just for you)

Baby Goat-ified
Hello Slug-Eaten Cabbage Seedling,
I see you are putting out all kinds of growth, exciting change, and exploring bigger ways of being in the world. I also see that the slugs have figured out that you are yummy. Your energy and goodwill are so delicious.
Don't worry, you have far more vitality in you than to let a few slugs slow you down.
Surround yourself with some things that make it harder to get to you- a boundary of sorts, but that still lets in all the sunlight, rain, and love that are yours for celebrating.
You're going to be a big cabbage one day.
How are you? Are you feeling the joy of spring?
I have been feeling the joy of spring, mixed in with the epic busyness of it. Sometimes I feel so heavy lying down that I'm not sure I'll be able to move again. And then, re-filled, by sleep or yoga, or a sunset, I'm on another garden, house, kid, or biz mission.
Three weekends in a row have been devoted solely to getting the summer garden established. And as of yesterday, the main bed is fully planted. There have been a few sandfly feasting moments, but hours of wind have kept them mostly at bay. Last weekend two baby goats were born, one quite small and weak, and we spent days feeding and helping it figure out how to suck from Mama Goat, Pepper. Pepper did not want a bar of this little guy, so we had our work cut out for us. I wasn't sure he was going to make it the first couple of days, and now, one week on, and not a bottle in sight, he and his brother are playing chase and jumping around in the big paddock. And then they get tired, so dozy in the sun you think they'll never move again.
Spring is nature at it's most rampant. Weeds, fungus, slugs, rain, wind, blossoms, new leaves. Outrageous unfolding energy.
No wonder we end up feeling a little slug-bitten or baby goat-ified. Life is busy, and we get tired. So what do you do? You rest. Slow it down where you can.
Be the baby goat in the sun, and just soak it up. You've got nowhere to go. You can jump and hop once you've had some rest.
Be the cabbage seedling, and set out a few boundaries that keep you from being so nibbled. Yes, the slugs are hungry, aren't they always? And yes, you could feed them, but only the amount that is right for you to STILL be able to express fully who you are. Here's to you, cabbage seedling. You are looking fantastic.
With respect, Bex

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As the years pass in the business lots of iterations of this blog have come and grown. With this send out, the old It's Not About the Bugs (iNAB) Natural Living Magazine has officially become Outdoors is Good,and at some point it's bound to flourish in another direction.
We started iNAB in 2011, and have had an awesome time publishing. We're ready to say we ARE about, instead of vaguely saying something not bug-like. We'll continue to bring you original gem stuff because there is seriously so much to share with you.
Since we grow with you and alongside you please let us know what you'd like to learn about on Instagram @naturalgoodbye. We listen to everything you have to say.