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Article: Treeassurance

It's Better Outdoors



Hi Super Moon,

The energy of spring is like living with a Super Moon for a couple of months instead of a few days. It brings great transformational, growth energy that often feels like craziness. Especially if you are a seed, with a bursting and busting that feels like breaking down, and then rampant motion.

Spring can be that way for people too. Rising energy that insists on some busting, bursting and motion. This can be intensified if you've got something else happening oh, like an earthquake or several hundred. Or if someone has just died. Or you've got too much work happening, and its stressful. Or you've got too many commitments, all vying for your loving.

I'm safely tucked up in Northland, and so my earth is gracefully stable, but I have just said goodbye to my mother-in-law who we held quite close as she died. And my world is changed.

I've written about Mum to you before, 3 years ago about how she went to the same grocery check out lady for 13 years for her weekly shop. How simple, sustained kindness makes a difference, and two years ago about the courage we both needed, and how you were part of it.

Not much more needs to be said, for all of you that have held a loved one to the dying goodbye, you know.

What I want to share (and remind you of) is a path to calming and recovering a spirit when life is just too much.

With love, Kauri, Bex


The week following, uncomfortable in my skin, and desperate to not rattle around our house, I took 9 year old Isaac over to the forest outside of Opononi in the Hokianga. This is the forest that is home to the kauri, in particular Tane Mahuta (Lord of the Forest), Te Matua Ngahere (Father of the Forest). Isaac, had not been there since he was quite little, and was keen.

I wish I could have captured that look when he saw Tane Mahuta for the first time. He was bouncing up the trail, non-stop talking, ""Is that it?"", ""Is that it? I said, ""When you see it, you won't have to ask me, you'll know."" And sure enough, I watch him walk into view, eyes level, and then mouth dropped open as his head tipped up to follow Tane Mahuta's trunk to the canopy. He didn't ask. He started giggling.

We spent a day in the trees, and I could feel the strength and gentleness, the perspective of the trees, start to seep into my over-tired and disturbed self. We were careful to keep to the trails but both of us really wanted to get right up next to one of these ancients, and finally, we found just the spot, with a wooden walkway right up to the edge of a grand tree. (Isaac took this photo as I leaned in.)

And we just stopped. We let a few people flow by. Each of us put our arms up and around this tree. The power is palpable. Without any strain or effort, I felt immense reassurance. Or Treeassurance.

Loving acceptance from the perspective of a tree that has witnessed and participated in more than 1000 years of springtimes, growth, storms and change.

You don't have to travel to the Hokianga to have this experience of treeassurance. Choose a tree close by, and even if you feel slightly ridiculous, step up close. Lean in. What does it feel like to allow the great stable, patient energy of a tree to settle your nervous system? To help you remember to breathe. To give you a gift of a larger perspective. To heal.

One Minute to Less Stressed

I made this video four years ago when I was teaching a course called One Minute to Peace. It is one of the trees on our property. Just to remind you (and me) that we always have the choice for reassurance.

Tube Turns One

It's been great watching this tube of terrifficness make its way in the world, and hearing back all the ways it serves. To celebrate one year, we're sending some out into NZ.

Our super tube is turning one! We are so happy with our tube that we wanted to share it with you. Be in the draw to win 1 of TEN tubes enter here by noon November 30th.

(NOTE: entries now closed, sorry, but we do love giving stuff away. To be on the inside of every good thing we do, enter your name and address below)

(You will also get immediate access to Bex's 5 x favourite recipes for making your own remedies in your home- Natural Remedy Kitchen)

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