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Article: Twenty Five Years

Twenty Five Years

Twenty Five Years

In our business, you know me and see my face regularly. John prefers to be behind the scenes. He does all of our product compliance work and looks after about 300 wholesale customers.  Most of them would have no idea who I was if I called them to see how they were going for stock.
Today we recognise our 25 year wedding anniversary, which is also the date we mark as the beginning of Goodbye.

On December 12th, 1999 founders Becky and John got married at Moke Lake outside of Queenstown. It was a weekend affair and a bold choice outdoor wedding (no backup plan!)

We paddled away (professional river guide version of chariot) to begin our new lives
together, then came back and danced and danced. We gave all of our guests a bottle of Goodbye SANDFLY, a product that had just been formulated, but not yet released.

It was a glorious day! The start of our lives together, and the start of Goodbye. Twenty five years feels like something to celebrate both in our marriage and in this amazing business. 

We're ready to share some of the journey that it's been, and tell a few more stories of the life that we share and the business we've tended. I also want to acknowledge you. You are a core part of our story.

So many beautiful relationships with customers and suppliers tended and strengthened over the years.

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Green and Green and Green

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Hundred Ways to Feel Old (a Thousand Ways to Feel Young)

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